Bring your custom Python decision model to Nextmv: Build, test, deploy

Follow the full tutorial: Bring your custom Python decision model to Nextmv: Build, test, deploy

Now, with Nextmv’s language-based templates, you can develop and ship your custom Python decision models that use nearly any modeling tool or solver. Here are a few examples (in addition to the integrations listed above): Seeker , CVXPY, Python-MIP, PyOptInterface, Linopy, CPMpy, PuLP, and Clarabel.

When you bring your custom Python model to Nextmv you can validate model changes, simulate scenarios, share run details and experiment results with stakeholders, and create a system of record for your decision model. (You can even incorporate Prophet, Statsmodels, and scikit-learn to better bridge the ML and OR gap – check out this talk.)

How to deploy your custom Python decision model to Nextmv

Start with our Python template and insert your model code into the file.

The above is a very basic “Hello world” model that demonstrates how simple it is to paste your custom model into the template so you view results in the Nextmv platform.

There are a just a few basic concepts required for bringing your Python decision model to our DecisionOps platform. The model must:

  • Read from either stdin or a file
  • Write results either to stdout or a file
  • Write logs to stderr
  • Format statistics in json to view in console

Tutorial using Python OR-Tools TSP

Let’s take a look at an OR-Tools example. In this step-by-step video, we’ll walk you through deploying a Python OR-Tools traveling salesperson problem (TSP) model using the Nextmv Python template.

Getting started

Sign up for a free account and start a free trial to create a custom app in Python.

Follow the full tutorial: Bring your custom Python decision model to Nextmv: Build, test, deploy