Add your Hexaly model to Nextmv with this new integration

:wave: Hello to the Nextmv Hexaly Integration! This feature provides a new way to efficiently run, test, and manage Hexaly decision models with Nextmv’s DecisionOps tools and infrastructure. Here are a few cool capabilities this unlocks:

Hexaly model testing, validation, and iteration with Nextmv

Use a suite of pre-built model experimentation tools to validate, iterate, and test your model for improvements and safer production rollout. This includes scenario testing, acceptance testing, shadow testing, and switchback (A/B) testing.

You can also manage test input sets for yourself and your collaborators.

Automatically pick the best plan from multiple runs of your Hexaly model

The ensemble runs feature in Nextmv automates the execution of multiple decision model runs, summarizes the output statistics, and picks the best configuration based on your criteria. For example, you may want to pick the vehicle route plan with the shortest time on road that also has the lowest number of unassigned stops based on results from 15 runs of your Hexaly routing model. With ensembling, you can execute those runs in parallel and have the best solution (based on your definitions) returned to you automatically.

Model management, observability, CI/CD integration

A Nextmv decision app comes with a set of unique API endpoints for running, managing, and experimenting on your custom Hexaly decision model. This simplifies integrating Hexaly models with standard Git and CI/CD workflows, ensuring model observability by monitoring run history, and swapping model versions with the click of a button.

Plus you can do all of this with your teammates. Invite folks to collaborate in your workspace and answer questions such as: “Why did the model make this plan?” “Can the current model handle expected demand in the future?” “Are we sure this model update will improve our outcomes?”

We’re excited to introduce this new integration into the Nextmv platform. Check out the blog post for a getting started video and more!

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